Frequently asked questions

What’s your philosophy? Are you an abstinence-based coach?

My approach is rooted in psychodynamic thinking and CBT principles and is in part related to the approach utilised by Smart Recovery, a global non-faith-based group peer support network (although at this stage I only work one on one).

I do not expect clients to commit to abstinence. We’ll agree some goals up front for our program of work together and it’s best if these goals are stretching but also achievable. Most people who seek help have the goal of never using their substance of choice again - that may be a worthwhile goal for the long term, but can be overwhelming in the beginning. After all, relapse is part of recovery - my goal is to give you an experience of taking back control, not to force you to commit to a lifetime of abstinence before you have had a chance to rediscover the joy and meaning in a balanced life.

What does it cost?

The first session is complementary and completely obligation free.

If you decide to work with me, I charge £1,800 for a ten session package. This might seem onerous, but experience shows that change takes time, and an up-front commitment is an essential plank of support to help you move forward.

Sessions are 50 minutes and will be weekly to begin with, then less frequent in the later stages, so that your 10 session package will usually run for 4 to 5 months.

Once you have completed your 10 session package you can book ad-hoc sessions when needed, at a rate of £180 per session.

I offer a limited number of reduced rate slots based on need and economic resources, so do please get in touch even if these rates seem beyond your reach.

That’s A LOT of money… Really?

My addiction and recovery coaching rate is about a third of my standard corporate coaching rate.

But the more important question is, what is your addiction costing you? In terms of the price of the substances, lost work, missed flights or holidays, medical bills, under-utilised gym memberships and the rest, not to mention the cost in terms of relationship breakdown, stagnation at work, etc etc etc…

Where do you work? In person or remote?

I work in person about 8 minutes’ walk from Angel Tube in Central London and remotely via Zoom on a global basis.

Can I cancel a session?

Yes of course, cancellations more than 24 hours before a session can be rescheduled at no charge. Cancellations of Monday sessions must happen by close of business on Friday afternoon to be free of charge, so you might prefer to book sessions after Monday if you’re worried about your ability reliably to attend a Monday session. Or, for some, a Monday session can perhaps be a useful tool to support you to avoid using over the weekend.

What happens if I don’t show up to a session?

No-show sessions can’t be rescheduled or refunded, however, it’s your time and your process and I understand sometimes it’s difficult to attend. You won’t experience any judgment for no-shows, we can think through together at the next session what got in the way of you attending, and I’ll be available for you for the remainder of your program and going forward should you wish to continue.

Do I need to bring anything or prepare?

No. You can come as you are, at least for the initial sessions. We might agree together that you do some thinking or work between sessions, but for the first session it’s enough just to reflect before we meet on what you’d like to get out of our work together - what is your ‘from / to’, or hopes for change?

I’m still high - should I attend my session?

You’re welcome (remote only), but you might not get much out of it.

Do join the session if you’re feeling anxious or paranoid and you feel it would be useful - we won’t be able to do the longer term change work but we can certainly work together to ‘reset’ your mindset in the moment if things are feeling overwhelming.

If you’re at the tail end of a ‘come-down’ or hung over but fully lucid, do please attend, as these can be some of the more useful sessions.

Clients are not permitted to attend in-person sessions whilst under the influence (we can move to Zoom if need be).

Is addiction and recovery coaching right for me?

Almost everybody who can engage in a conversation can engage with coaching. If you’re reading this, you are already contemplating change, which is enough to warrant making a start or at least scheduling a free introductory session.

I’m not even sure what my goals are or what I want to change, I just want things to be different, can you help?

Absolutely. An important part of the process is to help you get clarity about what’s going on (or going wrong) in your life and relationships and what it might be worthwhile to explore changing. We start with the why, before we move on to the how.